
Red Meats Shorten Your Life Span

     A recent survey involving people eating red meats, including pork, show that it adds to all kinds of illnessess and results in people dying from all kinds of diseases.

     I'm not going to go into the details of the study proving that red meat is not good for you because I've heard this before and I really do believe it. Red meat is not good for us to eat.

     I am not a vegan and I love ribs and a good steak any day, but deep down I know that although it tastes better than heaven, it is not good for me. I and many of you need to learn that food must become a way of fueling our bodies and not the center of our entertainment or joy. This is difficult since I grew up with every celebration and good time centered around food.

      I think maybe I will leave out red meat except on rare occasions , I know it would be a lie to say I'd give it up completely. Rarely may be enough of a good start for now.


agentmango said...

We practice good diet. We eat lots of vegetables so i dont worry.

julius said...

Well said! I, being a dialysis patient, am always concerned on what I consume. Red meat is a No No for me simply because it has too much by product that my failing kidneys can't get rid of efficiently.