I have a 16 month old grandson. He's loved fruits and veggies as baby food since we've been able to start him on real foods from just formula.
At his age now though he's got teeth and really enjoys using them. My daughter started giving him whole apples which he loves. He spits out the skin though and just eats the inside which is fine with us.
The other day I made a pork roast and put in some baby carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower. The vegetables were somewhat softened but still on the crisp side. We handed him whole baby carrots and large pieces of the other vegetables. He loved them and ate most of them. Part of it is that he is feeding himself which makes him feel like a big boy, second he loves using his new teeth, and third he really seemed to like the taste. Most important we didn't force them on him.
If you want healthy eating habits, start them young, make it their choice and let them see you enjoying them.
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